Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Journey of 2010

Each new year brings the opportunity for new beginnings, new experiences, and new resolutions. It is a time to reflect on the past and modify how we live our lives and manage our businesses. Though the new year is the most appropriate time to initiate change for the better, any time is a great time.

For me, this new year has brought excitement at the possibility of sharing Arnold Wilson Photography with a larger community. I have been busy developing new ideas and shaping my course of action to enrich the quality of my mission. I recently finished the book titled The Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer and recommend it, even if you are not in sales. There is a list of Life-Long Learning Principles in this book and I wish to share a few with you.

~ It starts with a positive attitude so learn how to achieve one

~ Read books and build your library one (read) book a month

~ Attend live seminars as often as you can

~ Spend 30 minutes a day learning something new

~ Practice what you have learned as soon as you learn it

So as 2010 unfolds, I encourage you to dedicate yourself to the pursuit of personal growth and to regularly renew your goals.

How have you mapped your journey for 2010?

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